【理系専門】洋書 注目新刊情報(2024年10月21日更新)

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『The Deep Learning Revolution』の続編です。


Terrence J. Sejnowski

Chat GPTとAIの未来:深層言語革命

ChatGPT and the Future of AI:

The Deep Language Revolution

The MIT Press


In ChatGPT and the Future of AI, the sequel to The Deep Learning Revolution, Terrence Sejnowski offers a nuanced exploration of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and what their future holds. How should we go about understanding LLMs? Do these language models truly understand what they are saying? Or is it possible that what appears to be intelligence in LLMs may be a mirror that merely reflects the intelligence of the interviewer? In this book, Sejnowski, a pioneer in computational approaches to understanding brain function, answers all our urgent questions about this astonishing new technology.

Sejnowski begins by describing the debates surrounding LLMs’ comprehension of language and exploring the notions of “thinking” and “intelligence.” He then takes a deep dive into the historical evolution of language models, focusing on the role of transformers, the correlation between computing power and model size, and the intricate mathematics shaping LLMs. Sejnowski also provides insight into the historical roots of LLMs and discusses the potential future of AI, focusing on next-generation LLMs inspired by nature and the importance of developing energy-efficient technologies.

Grounded in Sejnowski’s dual expertise in AI and neuroscience, ChatGPT and the Future of AI is the definitive guide to understanding the intersection of AI and human intelligence.





国際結晶学データ集 第1巻


International Tables for Crystallography: X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Related Techniques, Volume I



X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray emission spectroscopy are complementary to crystallographic methods, particularly for materials science and the study of nanostructure and systems with partial disorder and partial local order, including solutions, gases, liquids, glasses and powders.

This new volume of International Tables for Crystallography has nine parts and over 150 chapters contributed by a wide range of international experts.

Part 1 provides a brief overview and introduction to the background of X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and experimental facilities.
Part 2 discusses the quantum theory of XAS and related approaches.
Part 3 describes both standard and advanced experimental methods used in XAS, X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and related techniques.
Part 4 covers both standard and more advanced pre-processing of data.
Part 5 gives an extensive overview of the analysis of experimental data.
Part 6 provides details of the major software packages for data collection, reduction and analysis.
Part 7 outlines the importance in science, reporting and hypothesis testing of the exchange of input and processed output data, and data deposition. It also presents excerpts of tables of data and supplementary material for XAS, pre-edge studies, X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) studies. These tables are also available in full as online supporting information.
Part 8 explores a wide range of applications of XAS in fields including materials science, physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences, catalysis and cultural heritage.
Part 9 presents definitions of the terms and quantities used, as developed by the International Union of Crystallography's Commission on XAFS.
The volume has been written for the worldwide XAS community of thousands of practitioners, beamline scientists, experts and academics, and for the novice user who wishes to know what XAS and XES can do for them and how they may use these techniques for their particular purposes. The volume is therefore intended to be a self-contained, authoritative reference work that can also be used for training, learning or teaching, providing practical guidance for readers of all levels of experience.





Strasberg, Philipp

Quantum Stochastic Thermodynamics

Foundations and Selected Applications



The theory of thermodynamics has been one of the bedrocks of 19th-century physics, and thermodynamic problems have inspired Planck's quantum hypothesis. One hundred years later, in an era where we design increasingly sophisticated nanotechnologies, researchers in quantum physics have been 'returning to their roots', attempting to reconcile modern nanoscale devices with the theory of thermodynamics. This textbook explains how it is possible to unify the two opposite pictures of microscopic quantum physics and macroscopic thermodynamics in one consistent framework, proving that the ancient theory of thermodynamics still offers many remarkable insights into present-day problems. This textbook focuses on the microscopic derivation and understanding of key principles and concepts and their interrelation. The topics covered in this book include (quantum) stochastic processes, (quantum) master equations, local detailed balance, classical stochastic thermodynamics, (quantum) fluctuation theorems, strong coupling and non-Markovian effects, thermodynamic uncertainty relations, operational approaches, Maxwell's demon, and time-reversal symmetry, among other topics. The textbook also explores several practical applications of the theory in more detail, including single-molecule pulling experiments, quantum transport and thermoelectric effects in quantum dots, the micromaser, and related setups in quantum optics. The aim of this book is to inspire readers to investigate a plethora of modern nanoscale devices from a thermodynamic point of view, allowing them to address their dissipation, efficiency, reliability, and power based on a conceptually clear understanding about the microscopic origin of heat, entropy, and the second law. The book is accessible to graduate students, post-docs, and lecturers, but will also be of interest to all researchers striving for a deeper understanding of the laws of thermodynamics beyond their traditional realm of applicability.


ベストセラー「Quantum Coputing for Everyone」「みんなの量子コンピューター(翔泳社)」の著者Chris Bernhardt の新刊です。刊行されました。




Beautiful Math:

The Surprisingly Simple Ideas behind the Digital Revolution in How We Live, Work, and Communicate
The MIT Press



Most of us know something about the grand theories of physics that transformed our views of the universe at the start of the twentieth century: quantum mechanics and general relativity. But we are much less familiar with the brilliant theories that make up the backbone of the digital revolution. In Beautiful Math, Chris Bernhardt explores the mathematics at the very heart of the information age. He asks questions such as: What is information? What advantages does digital information have over analog? How do we convert analog signals into digital ones? What is an algorithm? What is a universal computer? And how can a machine learn?

The four major themes of Beautiful Math are information, communication, computation, and learning. Bernhardt typically starts with a simple mathematical model of an important concept, then reveals a deep underlying structure connecting concepts from what, at first, appear to be unrelated areas. His goal is to present the concepts using the least amount of mathematics, but nothing is oversimplified. Along the way, Bernhardt also discusses alphabets, the telegraph, and the analog revolution; information theory; redundancy and compression; errors and noise; encryption; how analog information is converted into digital information; algorithms; and, finally, neural networks. Historical anecdotes are included to give a sense of the technology at that time, its impact, and the problems that needed to be solved.




 Yuval Noah Harari 

Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to A

Random House UK


The story of how information networks have made, and unmade, our world from the #1 Sunday Times bestselling author of Sapiens


Stories brought us together.


Books spread our ideas – and our mythologies.


The internet promised infinite knowledge.


The algorithm learned our secrets – and then turned us against each other.


What will AI do?



また 翻訳版が刊行になったばかりですので紹介させていただきます。



Gelman, Andrew/Carlin, John B./Stern, Hal S./Dunson, David B./Vehtari, Aki/Rubin, Donald B.


Bayesian Data Analysis 3rd ed.

(Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science Vol.106)


Now in its third edition, this classic book is widely considered the leading text on Bayesian methods, lauded for its accessible, practical approach to analyzing data and solving research problems. Bayesian Data Analysis, Third Edition continues to take an applied approach to analysis using up-to-date Bayesian methods. The authors—all leaders in the statistics community—introduce basic concepts from a data-analytic perspective before presenting advanced methods. Throughout the text, numerous worked examples drawn from real applications and research emphasize the use of Bayesian inference in practice.



コロンビア大学教授 Ph. D. Andrew Gelman (原著)

メルボルン大学教授 Ph. D. John B. Carlin (原著)

カリフォルニア大学教授 Ph. D. Hal S. Stern (原著)

デューク大学教授 Ph. D. David B. Dunson (原著)

アールト大学教授 Ph. D. Aki Vehtari (原著)

ハーバード大学名誉教授 Ph. D. Donald B. Rubin (原著)

慶應義塾大学准教授 博士(経済学) 菅澤翔之助 (共訳)

明治大学教授 博士(経営学) 小林弦矢 (共訳)

千葉大学准教授 博士(経済学) 川久保友超 (共訳)

東京大学准教授 博士(経済学) 栗栖大輔 (共訳)

株式会社Nospare代表取締役 修士(経済学) 玉江大将 (共訳)

株式会社Nospare (共訳)


森北出版/ 14850円(本体13500円+税)


Andrew Gelmanらによるベイズ統計のバイブル「Bayesian Data Analysis」が待望の翻訳。






Tominaga, Makoto / Takagi, Masahiro 編集

Thermal Biology

Springer-Verlag GmbH




「温度はすべての生命現象に関わります。最初の温度受容体TRPV1の発見によって2021年のノーベル賞を受賞したのDavid Julius先生が序文を書いてくださいました。温度生物学の世界をのぞいてみませんか?」





Togelius, Julian

Artificial General Intelligence
(MIT Press Essential Knowledge) 

 The MIT Press

汎用人工知能(はんようじんこうちのう、英: Artificial general intelligence、略称: AGI)とは、
本著では、より汎用的な人工知能を開発するための技術的アプローチを探求し、汎用 AI が人類の文明にとって何を意味するかを問いかけます。

How to make AI capable of general intelligence, and what such technology would mean for society.

Artificial intelligence surrounds us. More and more of the systems and services you interact with every day are based on AI technology. Although some very recent AI systems are generalists to a degree, most AI is narrowly specific; that is, it can only do a single thing, in a single context. For example, your spellchecker can't do mathematics, and the world's best chess-playing program can't play Tetris. Human intelligence is different. We can solve a variety of tasks, including those we have not seen before. In Artificial General Intelligence, Julian Togelius explores technical approaches to developing more general artificial intelligence and asks what general AI would mean for human civilization.

Togelius starts by giving examples of narrow AI that have superhuman performance in some way. Interestingly, there have been AI systems that are superhuman in some sense for more than half a century. He then discusses what it would mean to have general intelligence, by looking at definitions from psychology, ethology, and computer science. Next, he explores the two main families of technical approaches to developing more general artificial intelligence: foundation models through self-supervised learning, and open-ended learning in virtual environments. The final chapters of the book investigate potential artificial general intelligence beyond the strictly technical aspects. The questions discussed here investigate whether such general AI would be conscious, whether it would pose a risk to humanity, and how it might alter society.





Oliver, Richard  編

アグリオス・植物病理学 第6版

Agrios’ Plant Pathology 6th ed.

 Academic Press, Inc.


Agrios' Plant Pathology, Sixth Edition is the ultimate reference in the field. Here, Dr. Richard Oliver provides a fully updated table of contents with revised and new chapters and invited contributors from around the globe. Building on his legacy, this new edition is an essential read for students, faculty and researchers interested in plant pathology. Sections outline how to recognize, treat and prevent plant diseases and provide extensive coverage on abiotic, fungal, viral, bacterial, nematode and other plant diseases and their associated epidemiology. A large range of case studies take a deep dive into the genetics and modern management of several plant species.







Bayesian Statistics and Marketing, 2nd ed.

John Wiley & Sons, Inc






※ご注意 高額商品です。

Dennis J. Paustenbach (編集)他

6巻 第7

Patty's Toxicology, 6 Volume Set, 7th Edition

John Wiley & Sons Ltd.





コンピュータサイエンス最大のベストセラー PRML本「Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 9780387310732」の著者でもあり、機械学習分野の超著名研究者Christopher M. Bishop 、Hugh Bishop の 話題作


Bishop, Christopher M./Bishop, Hugh

Deep Learning 

Springer International Publishing



●本書は、深層学習を支える中心的な考え方を包括的に紹介しています。本書は、機械学習の初心者と、すでにこの分野で経験を積んでいる人の両方を対象としています。本書は、現代のアーキテクチャと技術に関連する重要な概念を網羅し、読者が将来専門分野に進むための強固な基礎を身につけるのに不可欠な一冊である。ディープラーニングの分野は急速な進化を遂げているため、本書は時を経ても耐えうるアイデアに焦点を当てています。本書は、それぞれが異なるトピックを探求しています。小さいサイズの多数の章から構成されており、各章が前の章の内容を土台とする、直線的な進行に従って物語が進んでいきます。このような構成は、2学期制の学部または大学院の機械学習コースの指導に適しており、また、活発な研究や自習に従事している人々にも同様に適しています。 機械学習の完全な理解にはある程度の数学的素養が必要であるため、本書には自己完結的な確率論の入門も含まれています。しかし、本書の焦点は、抽象的な理論よりも、テクニックの実際の実用的な価値に重点を置き、考え方を明確に理解することにある。そのため、複雑な概念については、文章、図、数式、擬似コードなど、複数の補完的な観点から説明しています。                          




Grafakos, Loukas

Fundamentals of Fourier Analysis
(Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 302) 

Springer International Publishing

本書は、実解析と複素変数のコースを修了した大学院生を対象に、ユークリッドフーリエ解析を紹介する自己完結型のテキストです。大学院レベルのフーリエ解析または調和解析の2つのコースに十分な内容を提供している。真の教育学的精神に基づき、各章では、読者が研究スキルを身につけるのに役立つ、的を絞ったヒント付きの貴重な演習問題のセレクションを紹介している。証明は細部まで注意深く提示されている。 理解を深め、全体的な理解力を向上させるために例題を提示。丁寧に描かれたイラストが、証明の直観力を高める。 付録には、重要な概念を復習するための背景資料が含まれている。
著者の他のGTMシリーズ(Classical Fourier AnalysisおよびModern Fourier Analysis)と比べ、本書はより短いセクション、より洗練された証明、幅広い演習問題を含み、より授業に適したアプローチを提供しています。フーリエ変換、乗数、特異積分、Littlewood-Paley理論、BMO、Hardy空間、重み付き推定などのトピックが含まれており、2学期で簡単にカバーすることができます。

購入はこちら  注文書はこちら       



Vallor, Shannon

The AI Mirror : 
How to Reclaim Our Humanity in an Age of Machine Thinking

 Oxford University Press, New York

著者のシャノン・ヴァラーはアメリカの技術哲学者。本書は、10年以上にわたり主要な AI 研究者や開発者と働いた経験をもとに執筆、AI についての考え方を提示します。




Phoenix, James/Taylor, Mike

Prompt Engineering for Generative AI:

Future-Proof Inputs for Reliable AI Outputs

O'Reilly Media



Large language models (LLMs) and diffusion models such as ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion have unprecedented potential. Because they have been trained on all the public text and images on the internet, they can make useful contributions to a wide variety of tasks. And with the barrier to entry greatly reduced today, practically any developer can harness LLMs and diffusion models to tackle problems previously unsuitable for automation.


With this book, you'll gain a solid foundation in generative AI, including how to apply these models in practice. When first integrating LLMs and diffusion models into their workflows, most developers struggle to coax reliable enough results from them to use in automated systems. Authors James Phoenix and Mike Taylor show you how a set of principles called prompt engineering can enable you to work effectively with AI.


2024年6月刊行 ※6月17日更新



Thomas Robert Cech
The Catalyst: RNA and the Quest to Unlock Life's Deepest Secrets

W.W. Norton & Co., Inc.



For over half a century, DNA has dominated science and the popular imagination as the “secret of life.” But over the last several decades, a quiet revolution has taken place. In a series of breathtaking discoveries, the biochemist Thomas R. Cech and a diverse cast of brilliant scientists have revealed that RNA—long overlooked as the passive servant of DNA—sits at the center of biology’s greatest mysteries: How did life begin? What makes us human? Why do we get sick and grow old? In The Catalyst, Cech finally brings together years of research to demonstrate that RNA is the true key to understanding life on Earth, from its very origins to our future in the twenty-first century.

A gripping journey of discovery, The Catalyst moves from the early experiments that first hinted at RNA’s spectacular powers, to Cech’s own paradigm-shifting finding that it can catalyze cellular reactions, to the cutting-edge biotechnologies poised to reshape our health. We learn how RNA—once thought merely to transmit DNA’s genetic instructions to the cell’s protein-making machinery—may have jump-started life itself, and how, at the same time, it can cut our individual lives short through viral diseases and cancer. We see how RNA is implicated in the aging process and explore the darker depths of the supposed fountain of youth, telomerase. And we catch a thrilling glimpse into how RNA-powered therapies—from CRISPR, the revolutionary tool that uses RNA to rewrite the code of life, to the groundbreaking mRNA vaccines that have saved millions during the pandemic, and more—may enable us to improve and even extend life beyond nature’s current limits.


Written by one of our foremost scientists, The Catalyst is a must-read guide to the present and future of biology and medicine
購入はこちら 注文書のダウウンロードはこちら



Toyoda, Hideki


Statistics with Posterior Probability and a PHC Curve

Springer-Verlag GmbH




 近年、有意検定を用いた研究結果が再現できないという報告がいくつかなされている。再現性の危機」と呼ばれる問題である。例えば、「新薬を服用した患者の回復までの平均日数は対照群と同じであった」という帰無仮説を棄却できたとします。しかし、帰無仮説を棄却することは、新薬が効果を発揮するための必要条件に過ぎない。必要条件が満たされたとしても、新薬が有効であるとは限らない。実際、効果が再現されないケースも多い。必要条件にこだわらず、「新薬を服用した患者の回復までの平均日数が、医学的見地から評価した場合、対照群に比べて十分に短い」といった十分条件を示すべきである。 本書は統計学をPHC、すなわち研究仮説が正しい確率という観点から再構築したものである。例えば、「新薬を服用した患者の回復までの平均日数が対照群より少なくともθ日短い」という記述が正しい事後確率をθの関数として示したものがPHC曲線である。PHC曲線を用いることで、効率的な治療法であるための必要条件ではなく、十分条件を議論することが可能になる。統計研究の価値は、p値のような抽象的な指標ではなく、「90%の確率で3日以上短くなる」といった具体的な指標で評価されるべきである。
