This charming manga collection presents three modern fables by one of Japan’s most gifted authors, the poet and short story writer Kenji Miyazawa.
・The Restaurant of Many Orders follows a pair of confident, self-centered young men on a hunting expedition. After entering a mysterious restaurant deep in the forest the men are given a series of increasingly peculiar orders before they can be served dinner. What begins with simple orders, like removing their coats and brushing their hair, become stranger and stranger before the two men realize that something more cynical is at bay…
・The Wildcat and the Acorns is the story of a young boy invited to attend a trial where a wildcat presides over golden acorns disputing which acorn is the best one.
・The Twin Stars brings to life the heavenly constellations, whose musical performances keep the stars twinkling at night. In the daytime, however, the harmony falls apart as the constellations squabble among themselves.
『注文の多い料理店・ふたごの星・どんぐりと山猫』 (ホーム社漫画文庫) 英訳版