教祖物語 英語翻訳版
Tale of Oyasama, Volume Three
The Foundress of Tenrikyo, Miki Nakayama, whom we call Oyasama, our beloved Parent, spent Her life working for the salvation of all people in the world.
The Tale of Oyasama is an English translation of Gekiga Oyasama monogatari, which presents a manga-style depiction of the ninety years of Her life based on historical facts. The third volume covers the period from 1876 to 1887.
As more and more people begin to gather around Oyasama, with the path spreading in wider and wider circles during this period, the Tenrikyo community is subjected to strict surveillance and control by the authorities. Oyasama Herself is detained or imprisoned on a number of occasions. Yet, undaunted, She persists in teaching the followers the importance of performing the Service while forsaking their human concerns.