The Japan Times Destination Restaurants: Authentic

The Japan Times Destination Restaurants: Authentic


A list of the best restaurants in Japan, selected by Japanese experts with international diners in mind.

In 2021, The Japan Times created the Destination Restaurants list around the idea of Japanese experts uncovering top local restaurants for people around the world-hidden gems that not only offer unique culinary experiences but also contribute to community revitalization, sustainable food and the promotion of natural resources. We aim to differentiate ourselves from other selections by bringing country-side talent proper recognition. This book, making the fourth anniversary of the Destination Restaurants project, is a compilation of the finest restaurants we have selected so far.

英字紙 The Japan Times が2021年に日本の地方の優れたレストランをリスト化し世界へとその魅力を発信するためにスタートさせた「Destination Restaurant」プロジェクト。「日本の風土の実像は大都市よりも地方にある」「地方で埋もれがちな才能の発掘を目指す」「既存のセレクションとの差別化を図る」、このような思いを形にした「Destination Restaurant」プロジェクトの4年間の歩みを、1冊のバイリンガルブックにまとめました。



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