"The book is structured into two main parts: General Overview and Technique. In the Technique section, it begins with etiquette, covering basic techniques, pins, strangles, joint locks, ground and secret techniques, and more. Mifune, a 10th dan, personally demonstrates in about 1000 sequential photographs.
General remarks-Mainly of historic development
Special treatise-Mainly as to interpretation of meaning
Hints before training tricks
Spirit in saluting/Posture/Preparatory and final training/Meaning of posture breaking/Meaning of free-play training/Meaning of form/Factor in mastery/‘Tsukuri’ and ‘Kake’/Chance and way to apply Technique/Theory of game
Five principles
All 40 techniques (waza) explained with photos
Shime (Wringing)
Inverse tricks
Ura-waza (Reverse trick)
Reference technique
Reverse forms of throwing trick
General resusciation