Lavishly decorated manhole covers, pink polka-dotted backhoes, toilets with warmable seats, blow dryers (and other bells and whistles). It’s just another day in Japan, where the futuristic and zany stands side-by-side with the rooted and the venerable, and there’s a festival going on somewhere almost every day of the year.
In Uniquely Japan, Abby Denson--author of Cool Japan Guide and Cool Tokyo Guide--uses her own personal drawings and photos to highlight the things that make Japan truly different from every other place on the planet. From the ramen and sushi we’ve all come to love to the fantastic creatures who now star in their own video games and anime, the comic artist takes you on a romp through Japan’s distinctive popular and traditional culture.
毎年に日本を訪れる、アメリカ出身のグラフィックノベルアーティスト、アビー・デンソンによる、日本紹介ヴィジュアルガイド。前作『Cool Japan Guide』に続く、さらに日本の魅力を深堀したガイドブックです。おりがみや書道などの伝統文化、ラーメンやお弁当などのグルメ、プリクラやガチャポンなどのポップカルチャー、仏像やお守りなど神道・仏教についてイラストと写真で紹介します。