英語圏出身者向け、日本語能力試験N4、N5レベル相当の漢字参考書。セルフスタディ用の参考書で、最初に覚えるべき520文字の意味と発音を収録しています。漢字にイラストを加え、その解説文とともに文字と意味を効率的に暗記できる、心理学に基づいた記憶法「ニーモニック」を採用しています。本書に対応した音声ファイルを当社米国ウェブサイトよりがダウンロード可能です。(旧版ISBN: 978-4-8053-1168-4)
An enjoyable and effective way to learn Japanese kanji!
This useful reference book helps self-study and classroom students remember the meanings and pronunciations of 520 essential kanji. An otherwise daunting task, memorization is made easier with this book〓which uses mnemonic techniques based on the psychology of learning and memory. Key principles include the use of visual imagery, the visualization of short "stories," and the systematic building-block approach that shows how more complicated characters are constructed from basic elements.
This is a practical guide with a clear, concise, and appealing layout; it is well-indexed with easy look-up methods. The kanji in this volume give you the majority of characters you will encounter in daily life, from newspapers to street signs. It also includes the kanji required for the AP Japanese exam and N4 & N5 JLPT tests.
Accompanying online audio provides recordings by native Japanese speakers to perfect your pronunciation.