22 箇所のユネスコ世界遺産を含む、現在の日本を旅する上で重要な全国100箇所を網羅した写真集が登場。祭事や温泉、居酒屋などの大衆文化、テクノロジーなど日本独特の文化を解説した後、富士山、直島の現代アート、ニセコのスキー場、東北地方など各エリアの歴史・文化の特徴を押さえながらその土地ならではの旅の味わい方を紹介していきます。
*Winner of The North American Travel Journalists Association’s Excellence in Travel Journalism Award*
Delving beyond the scope of traditional guidebooks, Japan Traveler’s Companion showcases the insider’s Japan, offering detailed itineraries for each region as well as:
・Information on the country’s 100 most important tourist sights, including 22 UNESCO World Heritage Sites
・Illustrated introductions to Japanese cuisine, popular culture, and Samurai history
・A map of each region with suggested walks
・Tips for getting off the beaten path and finding Japan’s lesser-known treasures, such as the contemporary ""art island"" of Naoshim and Yakushima’s breathtaking flora and fauna
Engagingly written and richly illustrated with hundreds of color photos, this Japan travel guide is the one book visitors will keep by their side before, during, and long after they complete their journey."