2018年1月刊 ロジャー・バー、兼元謙任、松田元 著『世界は逆転する!仮想通貨サービス・ICOで世界を変える』(ISBN978-4-88144-241-8)の英語翻訳版です。
This book is a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as “Bitcoin Jesus” and the CEO of bitcoin.com, Kaneto Kanemoto, President of OKWave, which just started up ICO business in 2017, and Gen Matsuda, Director of OKWave. You’ll see the essence of the ICO and the strategy of the companies involved!
You still don’t understand the future that crypto currencies will bring about…
Know what the future that is certainly coming to pass will look like!
Why will the world change with crypto currencies?
How is Wowoo trying to change the world?
What will happen with the nation?
What will happen with money?
What will happen with our daily lives?